The acorn squashes I got from the market were called "White Acorn Squash" and were actually yellow in color as opposed to the green-golden ones I usually get. Somehow I found them to be quite bland and would go back to the regular ones. I had made Acorn Squash bread earlier this season with the green - gold ones and the aroma was more "squash-like".
I cooked the squash exactly the way I did for the bread, and stuffed it with a nutty rice filling and baked it in the oven. Here's the recipe.
2 acorn squash
Cooked brown rice - 1 cup
1 large carrot, peeled and diced
1 large onion, peeled and diced
1 large bell pepper, diced
2-3 celery stalks, diced
2-3 cloves garlic minced
2-3 stalks of green onion chopped
salt and pepper to taste
1 pinch cinnamon
1 tsp cumin seeds
2-3 tbsp olive oil or butter
1/2 cup roasted pecans or walnuts
To prepare acorn squash:
1. Wash and microwave the acorn squash whole for 1 min
2. Cut into 2 halves and remove the seeds. Slice off the end a bit to make them stand.
3. Lay cut side down in a microwavable dish with 1/4" of water
4. Microwave on high for 8 - 10 mins, the pulp should be soft now.
To prepare filling:
- Heat the oil / butter in a wok.
- Roast the nuts if needed and set aside
- Then add the cumin seeds and cinnamon
- Add the onion, bell pepper and garlic
- When the onion is translucent and cooked, add the carrots and celery. Sprinkle some water, close and let cook
- Add brown rice, salt and pepper and mix and heat through
- Switch off the heat and mix in the green onion & roasted nuts
Finishing touches:
Scoop the nutty rice mixture in to the acorn squash shells
Set in a baking pan and pop into a oven pre-heated to 350C for 10 mins just before serving
I served this with a side of "Spinach - Roasted beet salad" and entire meal was very filling. V and K's husband ate the acorn squash skin too and thought it was just fine, but K and I were very lady-like and peeled off the skin with our fork and knife before eating. We finished the evening with some Scottish cookies, a hot cup of chai and a great movie!
This recipe goes to Sunshine Mom's blog for the Food in Color - Yellow event and the Festival of Rice event.

Hey! Thanks for your nice words on my blog! I am so glad you showed me the way to your blog - the name is great:). The dish looks tasty too - Tasty filling! Welcome and Thanks for participating:)
Makes my mouth water just by looking at the pictures. Time to ask the hubby to start cutting those yellow/white squashes.
Do you grown your own squashes, Vibha? That is so awesome. I beleive they are really nutritious, so if you have a bumper crop, you can make all kinds of stuff. Glad you liked my recipe.
Looks colorful and gorgious.
This recipe looks delicious and I am going to make it for dinner one night this week! I realize it is the middle of July and I probably shouldn't be turning my oven on :) But this looks too good to wait for fall!
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